Halo Sobat CS, Kali ini, saya balik lagi dengan membawa software PDF Creator dan Reader, bernama Nitro PDF Pro, Niro PDF Pro, adalah software Creator dan reader Document berekstensi .pdf, bagi kita tentunya yang paling familiar atau yang paling kita kenal adalah Adobe Acrobat dan Adobe Reader kan? nah, software ini bisa dibilang sudah cukup lama saja, dan hanya terkenal sedikit, jadi, buat yang masih belum familiar, cobalah Nitro PDF Ini, dan siapa tau bisa langsung menyukainya, karena fitur-fiturnya yang gampang, interface yang bagus, membuat orang yang menggunakannya menjadi lebih tertarik, oke, di download ya.
System Requirements :
- Processor : 1 GHz or equivalent
- RAM : 512 MB (1 GB recommended)
- Display : Resolution 1024x768
- Hard Disk : 500 MB
- OS : Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.
- Microsoft Office 2003 Or The New one
- Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Or Higher
- Create + Combine. Nitro Pro 8 lets you quickly and easily create professional-quality PDF documents from any format or content type: paper scans, spreadsheets, presentations, reports, and more.
- Edit Text + Images. Add, manipulate, replace, and correct text and images in PDF files with intuitive editing tools. Extract and delete individual pages from documents.
- Convert + Export. Nitro Pro 8 lets you easily reuse and repurpose text, images, or entire documents, with tools to accurately convert and extract PDF files and their content.
- Scan + OCR. Apply Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to image- and paper-based documents and create searchable and/or editable layers of text for digital archival.
- Collaborate + Review. Review and markup PDF files faster with a range of text- and shape-based annotations. Easily involve multiple contributors with tools to track, sort, and manage individual comments
- Sign + Certify. Electronically sign and return documents in seconds with Quick Sign and streamline certifiable digital signature work flows with one-click, reusable profiles. Certify and approve documents with preset and customizable dynamic stamps that include the time, date, location, and author.
- Control + Protect. Control document access and usage with individual user permissions and digital IDs. Protect confidential information using military-grade 256-bit and remove sensitive content with Redaction.
- Electronic Forms. Create and distribute custom forms to gather information that are as intuitive as their paper counterparts but much more efficient and easily fill, submit, and save PDF forms
- Official Website | Nitro PDF Pro | 32 Bit
- Official Website | Nitro PDF Pro | 64 Bit
- Indowebster | Keygen Nitro PDF Pro
Password : | Status : Tested (Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 32 Bit)
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